Photo credit: Kogia
Assessing South Africa’s marine protected area quality and progress towards conservation goals: An application of The MPA Guide framework - Science Direct
First-ever Mediterranean mako shortfin shark tagged for conservation - Virginia Tech
Climate communication: 10 research-backed tips - Harvard
‘Knowledge Brokering’: Key to successful development of the Marine Protected Areas - IUCN
A ‘doom loop’ of climate change and geopolitical instability is beginning - The Conversation
Ecological erosion and expanding extinction risk of sharks and rays - Science
Marine Protected Areas as a Tool for Environmental Justice - Frontiers
Decadal oscillations in the ocean’s largest oxygen-deficient zone - Science
Killer whales (Orcinus orca) hunt, kill and consume the largest fish on Earth, the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) - Frontiers
Direct hearing measurements in a baleen whale suggest ultrasonic sensitivity - Science
A new model can predict marine heatwaves and extreme ocean acidity months in advance - University of Colorado Boulder
Ekman revisited: Surface currents to the left of the winds in the Northern Hemisphere - Science
NOAA Committee Conducting Survey on Methods to Deter Conflicts with Marine Mammals - NOAA
Ship collision risk threatens whales across the world’s oceans - Science
NOAA Partners With Carbon To Sea To Release Guidelines On mCDR Data Management - Carbon Herald
Mechanically strong yet metabolizable supramolecular plastics by desalting upon phase separation - Science
Navigating the Current Landscape of Ocean Observations: Overview From Platform Infrastructures to Networks related to Ocean Time Series - Frontiers
One or Many? Exploring the Population Groups of Antarctic Blue Whales - University of Washington
State of the Climate 2024 - World Meteorological Organization
The Dubai Ocean Declaration - Nature
An ocean of life: how the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development is supporting implementation of the Kunming-Montreal GBF - UNESCO
Most recent iteration of the possible Global Plastics Treaty - UN
Climate Action Tracker - Climate Analytics, New Climate Institute, IESR
Apia Commonwealth Ocean Declaration - The Commonwealth Secretariat
Ocean Research Media Report - Pulitzer Center
The four big ocean fights of the next four years - Ocean Conservancy
Maximizing the Potential of Sustainable Aquatic Food Systems for Global Food Security: Key Opportunities and Challenges - Frontiers
2024 Lancet Report on Climate Change Reveals Record-breaking Health Threats - Yale
Changing Human Behavior to Conserve Biodiversity - Verissimo, D. et al, IUCN
Protected Planet Report 2024 - UNEP-WCMC and IUCN
State of the world’s kelp forests - Eger, Aaron M. et al. One Earth, Volume 0, Issue 0
Nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement. Synthesis report by the secretariat - UN Climate Change
Advancing the Protection Principle - The Varda Group
Are we missing the mark on biodiversity? 90% of countries ignore key behavior changes - University of Surrey
Tides of Transparency. A First Mapping of Industrial Ocean Data Sharing - Ocean Data Action Coalition, HUB Ocean, UN Ocean Decade
Sea-level rise maps can decrease risk perceptions in coastal communities - Yale Program
The Ocean Prediction DCC Architecture for Ocean Forecasting - UN Ocean Decade
African Journal of Marine Science in October
Future of the IUCN Endangered white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus (Sparidae) – a tale of two estuaries
Migratory movement of photo-identified humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae along the southeastern coast of Africa
Genetic consequences in the southern African endemic seabream Polysteganus undulosus (Sparidae) after eight decades of overfishing
To move or not? Tourists’ perceptions and management considerations of a beached whale carcass in a South African national park and marine protected area
Ocean Literacy and the Atlantic Region: a toolkit for educators - UNESCO
Policy Brief on Sea Level Rise - IUCN
JUNE 2024
Venice Declaration for Ocean Literacy in Action - UNESCO
At sea mortality estimates of loggerhead turtle in Southwestern Atlantic Ocean - Ademir S. Maruyama et al, Biological Conservation, Volume 289
The Cape Town Manifesto - IUCN and OceanHub Africa
Agreement on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (High Seas Treaty) - UN
Harnessing the Power of Communication and Behavior Science to Enhance Society's Response to Climate Change – Maibach, E. at al, George Mason University
The Antarctic Treaty and key documents
The Emerging Field of Conservation Psychology - Saunders, C. D., Human Ecology Review, 10(2), 2003
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 - UN
Changing Norms to Change Behavior – Miller, D. and Prentice, D., Stanford University, Princeton University, 2016